Chief Financial Officer
Nakama Global is the ‘go to’ recruitment agency for all things digital. With offices in London, Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Singapore and New York our global reach and depth of knowledge is second to none.
Angus has extensive experience in both the technology and recruitment sectors and has held senior and board positions at a number of private and AIM listed companies. Previously, he was Group Finance Director at First Point Group Limited, a global telecoms recruitment business and prior to that, he was Finance Director of AIM listed Cornwell Management Consultants plc, which was acquired by Serco Group plc.
He trained as a chartered accountant at Grant Thornton in London before spending a substantial part of his early corporate career at IMS Health Inc. a leading global provider of information solutions and marketing services to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
Fact: Qualified as an aerobics and gym instructor in another life